Wednesday 16 February 2022

I am still blogging...

I am still blogging … 

but I’ve moved.

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and see the next stage of my learning journey.

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Thursday 17 December 2020

Quality Commenting

Yesterday I got a comment from Zana which is a summer learning journey commenter. 

She gave me some great Feedback and also gave me some good ideas for my work an what else I could create.

She also ask me some very good questions and of course I replied, I also asked her a question back and that made a little conversation.

LI - To create a quality comment or conversation.

Resource Requisition l Inquiry

Most natural disasters are common and can be found at any time in the world.

Humans need shelter protection against natural disasters. Storms may be common disasters but are really powerful sometimes.

Mathematics also can help during buying products to prevent natural disasters. The mathematics to use during disasters are measurements.

Natural disasters come in all sorts, and make huge global problems around the world.

LI - To prepare materials order of construction.

Wednesday 16 December 2020

Kowhaiwhai | SLJ | Day- 3 Task- 1

We have done a task that involves with the summer learning journey. This task also includes with maori and kappa haka.

First, We watched a kappa haka video an it was a kappa haka performance in front of an audience.

Then we did a maori template called a kowhaiwhai pattern. This task was an maori art, where we made a art using colors that include summer.

The task is for us to create our own kowhaiwhai pattern.

LI - To create amazing patterns for the summer learning journey.

Tuesday 15 December 2020

Summer Learning Journey Day 1 Activity 1

Recently, We started the summer learning journey's first activity, which is a scavenger hunt for finding different materials. 

While doing this task we also had to take a video using Screencatify. We found different materials for during this task.

We also presented what we found in the video. We found: Thick cardboard, thin cardboard, Aluminium metal, Aluminium foil, paper, Wood, paper cup, and plastic ruler. These are all the materials we found for the scavenger hunt activity.

 LI -  To do the summer learning journey scavenger hunt.

Summer learning journey Video Scavenger Hunt

Fishing false teeth | Activity 1 Day 2

We have done a task that includes with the summer learning journey, it is called Fishing false teeth.

First we read the article for us to understand what to do for the activity. we also watched video of fishing false teeth. 

After, we did the first template. We did this to understand who they are, What part did they played, and What was the outcome was for them.

When we finished doing the template we did the comic, For the comic we had to try and fill out what they could be saying.

I enjoyed doing this task but it was a bit difficult for me to try and put the sentences into my own writing.

This is my example below.

 LI - To do different SLJ activity's.

Wednesday 2 December 2020

safe things to do.

LI-different people have so much different feeling/emotion

Today we are doing inquiry for inquiry we are learning to do safe things with our emotions .

This week in Inquiry we learned about types of touches and safe things to do when you feel different emotions. Im good at playing the piano, I'm not good at sports. I like to dance and I don't like boxing. Things that make me happy is when my dad make funny faces.

Safe things to do when you are angry listen to music. We also learnt about 3 types of touches which are touches you like, That hurt and confuse you. 

A safe situation is going to the store with your family, A unsafe thing to do is like going to the park with some you just met from school who is new to your school.